Vanguard ez/Integrator is an easy-to-use toolkit that provides authentication, authorization and accounting for enterprises to extend security database to their applications.

Supports RACF, ACF2 and TSS

  • Allows software on heterogeneous platforms to link to and use proven authentication, authorization and accounting capabilities of a z/OS Security Server using a standard API.
  • Do you have multiple platforms, across multiple enterprises to secure, manage and maintain?
  • Provide your team with a powerful easy-to-use (API) Application Programming Interface, so that your company can create customized security solutions for your own applications.
  • Eliminate redundant security administration activities saving time, money and resources.
  • Use one platform for all of your enterprise-wide authentication and authorization requirements.


  • Leverage Vanguard’s Security On-Demand Host server in a custom application.
  • Multiple platforms and language support.
  • Provide the AAA of Security – Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.


  • Provides the capability to authenticate user IDs and passwords from many applications against the most secure password repository in your enterprise, the z/OS Security Server.
  • Allows an application to use the z/OS Security Server to perform authorization checking.
  • Delivers customizable, mainframe-strength, centralized accounting facilities with a simple-to-use web enabled API.

Call or Email now for more information!
702.794.0014 Ext. 320