Vanguard ez/Token leverages your current investment in your existing multifactor authentication.
Do you know the most cost-effective and convenient method to add a higher, more secure level of enterprise-wide access for employees regardless of location?
Allow employees to access critical corporate resources with secure multifactor authentication.
Eliminate the need to remember and reset passwords.
Eliminate Help Desk calls for forgotten passwords or password resets.
With ez/Token, users substitute a new, one-time passcode in place of a password. Passcodes are generated randomly every 60 seconds. For enhanced security, the passcode can be combined with a pin number. The ez/Token solution provides a more secure alternative than the usual user id/password combination.
Authenticate to the Mainframe through multiple token technologies like: DUO’s Trusted Access, Ping Identity, ActivIdentity, RSA SecurID, YUBiKEY or OAUTH Tokens via TSO, CICS, IMS, or any other application that utilizes z/OS Security Server authentication.
Selectively include or exclude applications from Multifactor Authentication.
Easy User Management, users can be migrated to multifactor authentication individually or by groups.
Validates user logon using external authentication authorities.
Supports multiple token technologies from well know token providers such as RSA, SafeSign, OAUTH, and YUBiKEY.
Provides selective inclusion or exclusion of multifactor authentication at both an application and user level.
Allows for easy user ID to distributed identity mapping, providing the ability for a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship to exist.