Vanguard ez/Token leverages your current investment in your existing multifactor authentication.

  • Do you know the most cost-effective and convenient method to add a higher, more secure level of enterprise-wide access for employees regardless of location?
  • Allow employees to access critical corporate resources with secure multifactor authentication.
  • Eliminate the need to remember and reset passwords.
  • Eliminate Help Desk calls for forgotten passwords or password resets.


  • With ez/Token, users substitute a new, one-time passcode in place of a password. Passcodes are generated randomly every 60 seconds. For enhanced security, the passcode can be combined with a pin number. The ez/Token solution provides a more secure alternative than the usual user id/password combination.
  • Authenticate to the Mainframe through multiple token technologies like: DUO’s Trusted Access, Ping Identity, ActivIdentity, RSA SecurID, YUBiKEY or OAUTH Tokens via TSO, CICS, IMS, or any other application that utilizes z/OS Security Server authentication.
  • Selectively include or exclude applications from Multifactor Authentication.
  • Easy User Management, users can be migrated to multifactor authentication individually or by groups.


  • Validates user logon using external authentication authorities.
  • Supports multiple token technologies from well know token providers such as RSA, SafeSign, OAUTH, and YUBiKEY.
  • Provides selective inclusion or exclusion of multifactor authentication at both an application and user level.
  • Allows for easy user ID to distributed identity mapping, providing the ability for a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship to exist.
  • Addresses PCI DSS 8.2 and 8.3.

Call or Email now for more information!
702.794.0014 Ext. 320