VANGUARD Multifactor Authentication

Vanguard Authentication is an end-to-end, centralized, scalable, modular, integrated multifactor authentication solution enabling z/OS based enterprises to control and secure access to the entire IT infrastructure including non–z/OS endpoints.


Vanguard Multifactor Authentication supplies the most complete range of multifactor Token, Tokenless and PIV or CAC Card Authentication capabilities available in the industry today.


Vanguard Multifactor Authentication features an automated, universal, single-password solution providing centralized password synchronization and authentication across the entire enterprise on z/OS, Windows, Linux, or iSeries systems.


Vanguard Multifactor Authentication saves time and money by allowing users to reset their own passwords using a simple web browser across the entire enterprise environment including non z/OS endpoints, delivering immediate return on investment while increasing profitability.


Vanguard Multifactor Authentication delivers an easy-to-use tool kit enabling integration of z/OS capabilities across heterogeneous or dissimilar systems via a standard API, eliminating redundant security administration and authentication activities – one authentication solution – enterprise-wide.

Vanguard ez/Token


Do you know the most cost-effective, convenient method to add a higher, more secure level of enterprise-wide access for employees, regardless of location?


  • Allow employees to access critical corporate resources with secure multifactor authentication.


  • Eliminate the need to remember and reset passwords.


  • Eliminate Help Desk calls for forgotten passwords or password resets.


  • Save time and increase employee productivity.


  • Your users substitute a new, one-time passcode in place of a password.


  • Provide your users and your company with the next level of enterprise authentication, more secure, increased reliability, and less expensive.


  • Authenticate your enterprise through an extensive range of standards-based token technologies.

Vanguard ez/PIV Card


Do you have government mandated PIV Card requirements to satisfy?


Does your PIV Card solution satisfy standards based FIPS 201 and HSPD-12?


  • Vanguard PIV Card ensures compliance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 and Federal Information Processing Standards 201.


  • Increase system security with multifactor authentication validating employees and contractors before they gain access to your most critical resources.


Are you secure – how do you really know? Don’t take the chance. Lock down your sensitive data today with the first vendor in the INFOSEC industry to deliver standards-based PIV Card authentication from Vanguard.

Compatible with your existing token technology!

Modern multifactor authentication solutions have evolved to support new, complex technologies that change how we use data, including z/OS, cloud computing and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).

There are so many different solutions, authentication methods, integration issues, and new security concerns cropping up in the market.


With such a large diversity of vendors, it is easy for IT security decision-makers to get confused about which solution is right for their organization. Therefore, Vanguard goes the extra distance to ensure robust support for the most diverse range of token technologies.

Call or Email now for more information!
Telephone: 702.794.0014 Ext. 320

Learn more about Vanguard Multifactor Authentication